Tuesday, October 27, 2009

When a Friend Dies

When a friend dies

By Marge Piercy
When a friend dies the salmon run no fatter/ The wheat harvest will feed no more bellies./  Nothing is won by endurance but endurance./  A hunger sucks at the mind for gone color/ after the last bronze chrysanthemum is withered by frost./  A hunger drains the day,/  a homely sore gap after a tooth is pulled,/  a red giant gone nova/ an empty place in the sky /sliding down the arch after Orion/ in night as wide as a sleepless staring eye./  When pain and fatigue wrestle fatigue wins./ The eye shuts./  Then the pain rises again at dawn./  At first you can stare at it,/  Then it blinds you.

Friday, October 09, 2009


On the Ice Walking 
on ice so thin I can see the cracked pebbles On the bottom 
 Beneath this delicate sheen Glinting with menace
 Waiting for my frail Moment of weakness 
I know not what awaits 
In your heart, in your secrets 
Still I edge out From the shore
 Remembering the shock
 Once I crashed through I hold my breath 
Is this false hope? 
Am I lost or found? 
All of my yesterdays Fade in one word
 From your lips 
All the tears dry
 All the empty nights Fade away
 Is that a crack that I see?
 On the ice ahead 
Or the path away from here