A Lifetime with Smudge
The first time I visited Lucinda's home at Park La Brea I was taken aback by the austerity of the decorations. She had suffered two recent profound losses in her life and the place was pretty sedate. There were no wall decorations and the furniture was utilitarian but without great color which sort of matched the bruised heart she carried. The grayness vanished however, when I was greeted by the ebullient Smudge and eventually by his cat sister Macska. He strode majestically into the front room from a nap somewhere with his dark plume of a tail wafting like the great sail of a feline frigate. He was massive and ebony handsome beyond description but what amazed me the most was the confidence he displayed as he walked up to me seeming to shake paws and sniffed my shoes as if to give me a security check before allowing me to speak to his human. Smudge was ALWAYS in charge and was extremely careful about who got near his Lucinda. His face was impish and he seemed to have some cat secret that puny humans could never understand but he was a young man in love and that lit up the room. Suddenly, the gray brightened to blues and greens and reds that blended into a sable richness. Macska eventually, carefully entered and glanced my way, then lept up onto the window sill where she could pass judgement on my worthiness. Together, they were enough ornamentation to decorate the finest gallery in Soho. That is the greatest thing about sharing our lives with animals that they bring a healing light into our days while sweetly softening the edges of this sometimes rough old world. Smudge and Macska were the candles in Lucinda's life that made the darkness tolerable.
I have loved and been devoted to animals since I was too young to walk but I have never seen such a powerful bond as Lucinda had with her Smudge. He seemed to fit perfectly next to her as she read one of the countless books that were the bridge in our human friendship. When I visited Park La Brea or Camino de las Rosas and finally Evergreen he was the number one attraction along with his striped beauty queen sister. They were passionately worshipped by the resident human with her kind eyes and opposable thumbs and the feeling was most certainly mutual. One of the wonderful moments in any day was the question from Lucinda "quieres comer?" which was always greeted by surprisingly piping mews from hisseowf and the ladycat who sometimes stood upon her back legs and gently touched the legs of the server. The perfect night for Smudge was to just sit near his human and purr, he needed little else after his sizable belly was full. Even when his days became numbered the reports came that he could still clean that china plate and motorboat purr.
Smudge finished his adoration of his Mumma this morning by simply stopping his breaths and stepping into another cat dimension where he undoubtedly will charm everyone in sight. Paradise for this inky emperor of impudence was by his lady's side but let us hope fervently that there is a rainbow bridge where he can continue his devotion once again. Of the hundreds of felines I have known and admired over the many decades Smudge would be in my hall of fame. He was the extraordinarily colorful Prince of Cats and the world is a little grayer this morning for all of us who knew him.
Thank you, Don Sabelo, for a perfectly lovely tribute to my dear Prince that captures his impressive charm. The house is strangely silent today and it will be a long time before the ache in my heart is soothed. My only consolation is that he was able to pass away peaceful at home with me close by.
I am weeping tonight after reading this. Not for the wonderful creatures who have left us but for the humans who will miss them yet marvel at how both short and long the time together turned out to be.
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